We need your help! Please fill out the Annual School Form and the Educational Benefit Form. We need 100% participation from everyone! The district receives funding from each completed form- even for those household that do not qualified, more dollars for our school 💸 that equals to more programs at Mira Vista!
¡Necesitamos tu ayuda! Por favor llene el Formulario Escolar Anual y el Formulario de Beneficio Educativo. ¡Necesitamos el 100% de participación de todos! El distrito recibe fondos de cada formulario completado, incluso para aquellos hogares que no califican, ¡más dólares para nuestra escuela 💸 que equivalen a más programas en Mira Vista!
Annual School forms need to be updated through PowerSchool.
Video instructions: https://youtu.be/ipWRu3Ptlr8
Power School: https://wccusd.powerschool.com/public/
Educational Benefit Form-Previously known as the Lunch form
Video instructions: https://youtu.be/OJY6PYa88EU
Power School: https://wccusd.powerschool.com/public/
If parents do not have a PowerSchool Account parents can book an appointment by contacting Marilyn Gwinn-Scott (510) 231-1416 Ext 23560 marilyn.gwinn-scott@wccusd.net
Si los padres no tienen una cuenta de PowerSchool, los padres pueden programar una cita comunicándose con Marilyn Gwinn-Scott (510) 231-1416 Ext 23560 marilyn.gwinn-scott@wccusd.net