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Read-a-thon Kicks Off on September 29!

Let’s get ready to read!

Starting the morning of Thursday, September 29, and continuing through the night of Friday, October 14, students should track their daily reading on a reading log — and invite sponsors to donate money in support of their efforts. At the end of those 16 days, they tally up all the minutes they read, and turn in their logs and pledges. Prizes will be awarded to the students and classes that read the most minutes and the kids who get the most pledges!

→ Digital reading logs are available at, or you may use the paper ones provided in the September 28 Wednesday folder. → A parent, guardian or teacher should sign off on your student’s minutes each day.

→ Independent reading in class and reading to your child count toward the Readathon.

For more information, visit our Readathon 2022 web page. To donate now, register at our digital fundraising site, Pledgestar.


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