Join us on Zoom — and consider nominating someone (or running!) for next year’s PTA Board!

Join us on Zoom for this month's PTA meeting, at 6:30pm on Thursday, February 3. You'll hear updates from our teachers and Principal Betson, learn about upcoming events, and get information about the upcoming PTA Board elections. The meeting’s Zoom link is here. Meeting ID: 813 7203 9915
Passcode: N0SXBn The meeting agenda is here.
PTA Board Elections: Open Positions and Nominations
The PTA Board elections are coming up! If you are an active member and would like to serve on the board, please email We also encourage you to nominate someone you think would be an asset to the board. See below for open positions and their descriptions.
• Takes minutes at board and association meetings
• Co-signs formal papers with the president: authorizations for payment, resolutions, and formal letters
• Handles PTA correspondence
• Maintains and preserves PTA records and important documents to pass on at the end of the term
Financial Secretary
• Works closely with the treasurer in handling PTA funds
• Keeps a record of all PTA funds collected, deposited, and disbursed
• Prepares monthly and annual financial records
• Maintains permanent records to track unit funds and financial transactions
• Chairs budget committee and prepares annual budget for adoption by the association
• Pays all PTA bills as authorized by the board or association
• Prepares reports for every board and association meeting and an annual financial report
• Ensures taxes and reports required by PTA bylaws, insurance or federal and state governments are completed and submitted by the due dates
