Here is a newsletter from Principal Chilcott regarding general MV happenings and also a safety incident that happened in our community. It serves as a great reminder to speak to our children about safety.
Hello Mira Vista Community,
Happy Fall! We have a lot of wonderful things happening here at Mira Vista and the upcoming conference days are a great time to talk to your teachers about how things are going. There are no designated conference day for Middle Schoolers.
I also wanted to use this opportunity to bring up a recent situation that happened to a Madera student. As he was walking home, a stranger pulled up and asked him if he wanted a ride. The student declined and immediately went to a neighbor’s house which was the exact right thing to do. This is a good time to remind our children of how to ensure safety around strangers:
Don’t talk to or take anything from strangers.
If you are approached by a stranger, seek help immediately.
Don’t go anywhere with someone you don’t know
Use the buddy system; avoid walking anywhere alone.
Trust your instincts. If you feel you are being followed or something is not right, seek help immediately. Review safety numbers and practices with your children
Report any suspicious activity to your parents, police, or school personnel
Together we can help teach our communities children to make safe decisions.
Thank You,
Gabriel Chilcott