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Principal's Announcement - March 30, 2020

Hello Mira Vista Community,

Currently, we have March 4 as the date of our return to school. I think one thing the last few weeks has taught us is that we need to remain flexible as the guidance we receive is being updated often. Our first priority is the safety of our community.

We still have a few students who were unable to pick up their tablets or other work. We will have a pick up date upcoming, and will send out an automated call to everyone in our community once we know the date and time. Communication is key during a crisis and very hard to hold with constantly shifting information and isolation. To that end, we are working to keep our Distance Learning Website( updated and there is also a parent Facebook group ( where you can go for more informal information. One of Mira Vista school’s greatest strengths is you, the community, and we want to ensure that we find ways to stay together as much as possible.

The district and teacher union have come to an agreement about how instruction will look moving forward. This will start April 13 and may lead to some changes in how we are operating. Our teachers have been working tirelessly to support our students with daily lessons every day we have been out of school. This week the lessons will continue and we are going to make many calls to make sure that every student is accessing the work every day. It is hard to be away from school, but one way we can keep ourselves grounded and the learning going is to have 100% of our students working everyday.

Here are a couple of quick reminders and answers to some questions that have come up:

- April 6 begins Spring Break and we will reconvene on the 13

- All state testing has been waived

- The school year will not be extended

- No one will be held back due to poor grades or lack of completed work

I will sum up by saying that Mira Vista students and teachers are doing a great job of continuing the learning. Let’s make the best of this situation by accessing the learning everyday!

Thank you,

Gabriel Chilcott


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