In-person learning begins Monday, August 16! Wondering what to expect? Here’s a helpful video, a note from Principal Betson, the new bell schedule, and links to WCCUSD resources.
The start of a new school year always brings a mix of excitement and anxiety — even more so now, in the wake of the pandemic. While students may be looking forward to heading back to Mira Vista after more than a year away — or stepping foot on campus for the first time — many families have questions about safety and new procedures. The above video, hosted by first-grade teacher Violet Kimzey and third-grade teacher Rachel McLachlan, is packed with useful information to help families navigate the first day of school. Watch it with your students, so everyone knows what to expect. Below, you'll find a letter from our principal, Charlotte Betson, welcoming everyone back to Mira Vista — as well as the bell schedule to download. Additionally, the district has outlined some of its new policies on its FAQs page. And you can read WCCUSD superintendent Dr. Kenneth Chris Hurst’s statement on the statewide vaccine and COVID-testing mandate for school staff here. Don’t forget to mask up on Monday! Everyone — kids and adults alike — will be wearing masks indoors on campus. Bee safe and bee kind!
Dear Parents and Guardians, As the principal of Mira Vista K-8 School, it is my pleasure to welcome everyone back for the 2021-2022 school year. We are all excited to have students back on campus and into our classrooms with all of their energy and enthusiasm for learning. I would like to acknowledge that the new school year will be unique with new safety protocols to keep our community safe. We ask for your assistance in stressing the importance of mask wearing and proper social distancing while on campus. It is our mission to help every child feel welcomed, connected, and a valuable member of the Mira Vista K-8 community. Additionally, we strive to challenge each student to grow in his or her academic abilities to reach proficiency. At Mira Vista, we have awesome teachers who strive to provide excellent academic student learning outcomes. In an effort to partner with you, we will be adjusting our food services to establish guidelines that will allow your student the opportunity to eat. We will also be creating additional outdoor eating areas as the weather permits to provide more safe eating spaces. Whenever possible, we will be leaving exterior doors and windows open to allow students fresh airflow in the classroom setting. After all transitions from different areas, including leaving and returning to the classroom, students will be encouraged to use hand sanitizer and/or wash their hands. In the event that a student displays symptom of Fever (100.4F or >, Cough, Difficulty breathing, Fatigue, Body aches, Headache, Nausea, Sore throat, Diarrhea, Nasal congestion, Chills, Sudden loss of small/taste in connection with sickness, the office will coordinate the student’s movement to the control area while you are contacted to pick up your student from campus. It is important that we have your current contact information. Presently, all visitors to the campus including parents will not be permitted to enter the building unless a previously scheduled appointment has been coordinated with our Office Manager, Ms. Estrada ( Although access to the building has changed, we want to continue to promote your confidence in our ability to provide connections to your student’s teacher and classroom structure. Our teachers will provide parents with their educational platform that they use to communicate at the start of school. If you are not yet ready for your student to return to an in-person classroom, please contact to learn more about Vista’s Virtual Academy the website is Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up from campus will be at the lower level parking lot. Please note, the upper level parking lot by the main office entrance will be reserved for Mira Vista staff. Chromebooks: Students that took school district-issued Chromebooks home over the summer should bring their Chromebooks back to school with them when school resumes on August 16. Students will continue with the same Chromebook for their school/home use they were assigned last year. Free Breakfast and Lunch will be provided this school year. Important Dates:
August 13-Middle School Orientation -6th 10-10:45,
7th 11:15-12:00,
8th 12:30-1:15 pm
August 16- First Day of School (Early Dismissal) I am honored to serve as the principal of Mira Vista K-8 School. It is truly a privilege to be a part of a community where parents, teachers, and students care for each other and strive to build positive relationships that support academic and social growth. Please feel free to contact me at 510 231-1416 or a Once again, welcome back! Let’s make this school year an awesome one together! Sincerely, Charlotte Betson Principal Mira Vista K-8 School